Electrolysis in Austin


Voted Austin’s Best for electrolysis by Chronicle, CitySearch, and Rare Magazine.
Take a look at our hair removal services below.
Call us for a free consultation!

Electrolysis has been around since the 1890s, getting rid of unwanted hair. A tiny needle is inserted into the hair follicle. The needle is heated and will damage the tissues in the hair-producing area so that if treated in the right growth stage, follicles will usually not produce another hair.

A series of treatments are needed to effectively treat all the hair in an area because only one hair at a time is being treated.

Electrolysis in Austin is very effective over time and will eliminate most of your unwanted hair. Recently, laser hair removal has virtually replaced this age-old technique. However, there are instances that this hair removal technique is still needed.

If you qualify for laser hair removal, it will be less expensive (in the long run), more comfortable, and less time-consuming. But if you have light-colored hair (white, grey, red, or blonde), then you would only qualify for Austin electrolysis, not the laser.

This hair removal technique also needs to be done on the eyebrows since the laser is not exact enough and may eliminate too much brow hair. A short, free consultation can determine which technique you will be a candidate for.

Until very recently, most lasers were not able to effectively treat the finer, thinner, lighter-colored hair. Now, with our advanced lasers, we can effectively treat even quite fine hairs, as long as they have some pigment.

To see if your unwanted hair is best suited for laser or electrolysis, call us today for information and/or to schedule your free consultation.

Free Consultation

Austin laser hair removal & skin rejuvenation specialists at your fingertips. Call or text us at 512-328-1555, or fill out the form below!